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I think Nigel Short sums it pretty much in this short interview he gave to the local paper about the state of affairs that had occurred in the concluded FIDE Presidency Elections:!/video/86186/sjakklegende-det-som-skjedde-i-dag-er-en-stor-tragedie

The sad fact is that the demon they were trying to exorcise is apparently mainly due to their past misdeed of breaking away from FIDE and creating the PCA to further their own interest. With the series of events from 1994 leading to the downfall of Campomanes, the void was filled in 1995 by Kirsan and since then the chess world has not seen the light of day.

In a certain way, the situation parodies what happens in the current local chess scene, where it is near impossible to upseat the incumbent owing to the rules that govern the electoral process. Membership is controlled and therefore no one can get a fair shot at it. Therefore, it would not be surprising to hear rumours that a new world body may be born should the disgruntled supporters of Team Kasparov decide that FIDE is beyond redemption. However, in Singapore this would not happen mainly because there is simply no one willing to take up the mantle to further the cause of chess for the betterment of posterity.

Now that all bets are off for the Kasparov Chess Foundation to invest further in chess for schools program here, we will have to fall back on our own resources to get things moving. The malaise that will follow for the next 4 years means that there is little hope of expecting positive changes in the chess world that can impact the way the authorities see the game here.

Nonetheless, I applaud Kasparov for taking a year off his life for this campaign and I hope he will continue his quest to bring back civility into the chess world, if not in FIDE, then through his own organisation. He will need to redeem himself of his past misdeeds which sadly haunted him on 11 August. Perhaps now, the scores are settled and a new day beckons. Hopefully, we get to see the same here in Singapore.


  1. PS: Rather than positive action to effect positive changes, we now see a breed of trolls who go around taking pot shots at organisations or individuals without identifying themselves. Sadly, these individuals prefer to live in the dark and snipe rather than say their piece and be counted.

    I wonder really who should prove their character, me for publishing their comments, or the trolls by having the b-lls to step out and saying it?


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