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The first round of the QCD SG Chess League kicked started April 7 at the Cairnhill CC (our venue sponsor) from 7.30pm on alternate Fridays. A very good turnout of 14 teams with 98 players (till date) where everyone playing is above 20 years of age. This is a rare sight in Singapore Chess where one finds children outnumbering adults in most tournaments locally. With the league, the Federation is certainly taking steps to involve more adult players to come out of retirement and play. With this initiative, hopefully, more CC events in the future can consider creating a Senior's section where adults above 50 can play each other without having to try and match the young ones in speed of thinking and get to enjoy the game too. 

The first 2 rounds were played at the classroom , a little cramped for such an event as we did not expect many spectators. As the rounds progressed (and also due to a stroke of luck), we were offered the Multi-Purpose Room which was a lot more spacious and could allow more spectators to watch the games. 

All games were keenly contested last night with the top 2 seeds (Pawngolins vs Fork You) finally clashing. The addition of 2 IMs by Team Fork You certainly changed the odds and the score was 2-2. For teams who have not fill up their quota of reserves there is still chance to rope in some players. However these players can only join the league after 1 week's notice is served with the Chief Arbiter.

For those interested in following the results and round pairings, please click here.

The next round is on May 19 after which the League takes a break and resumes September 1, then 15 and the last 2 rounds in October 6 and 20.


Founded in 1994, the QCD group first had its roots as an IT system and service provider. From it's humble beginnings, the company has since expanded and diversified into 4 separate entities (QCD Technology, Grand Cruise, Choice Wines and Choice Resources) with branches spread across the South East Asian Region. 

The words QCD stands for quality, cost and delivery. It is our mission to integrate these 3 core components into all our business relationships.

The QCD group looks forward to partnering with the Singapore Chess Federation to promote chess at grassroots levels both for adults and school children.


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