I have changed the format of the Thomson Chess Fiesta this year to accommodate the Seniors, which I take it to mean those aged 45 and over. These players used to be active in chess in the Singapore Chess Renaissance in the 80's. Today many of them have had their careers and kids in their teens. Hence they would have some time I believe to return to their main hobby when in school. Many I've met recalled the fun times, the camaraderie plus friendly(now) rivalry they had while competing for top honours back in their schooldays. There were many chess enthusiasts too then who took part in every CC tournament from the Queenstown , Marine Parade, Buona Vista, Cairnhill and on to the Inter-Clubs and the popular Christmas Festivals which made it the largest tournament in numbers back from 1978 to 1982. One cannot underestimate the depth of the players in this era as they worked on the game without the help of coaches, Internet resources and chess engines which were non-existent then. All knowledge and experience was painstakingly gathered and nurtured, but in my opinion they displayed a higher quality of struggle over the chess-board.

The Thomson Seniors was designed to promote chess-playing among their peers - not having to play against much younger and active players as many have gone rusty being in hibernation all this while. Some have come forward to take part in the QCD League (see photo left and below) and its encouraging to see the growth in numbers. Perhaps with similar initiatives, we shall soon see the revival of the largest group of chess-players Singapore had back to the local chess scene. Without these players' participation, it would not be possible to think of bigger and better events that would attract more sponsorship critically needed to upgrade the conditions of play in our local tournaments.
So I call upon the ones eligible to make time this June 2 and 3 to come together for the Thomson Seniors and make it a meaningful and joyous return to your hobby ! Whether its 25 minutes or Blitz at 3 minutes, they are all played with increments which means you should not lose on time in a winning position. Great isn't it?
All you need to do is click on the link to DOWNLOAD the entry form. See you soon.
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