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 From my post 2 years earlier, during the start of the COVID pandemic..

A new decade, as I enter the tail-end of my 50's and approaching the 60s. Time now somehow seems finite and there is a urgency to get things done. Too much of it has been wasted in politicking and unnecessary struggles serving no purpose. Neither does running the chess calendar annually and completing each event without hiccups help in the wake of looming issues causing by aging of the chess organising core. 

I hope to set a few targets this year, both for myself and the chess scene.

As I say goodbye to my P6s, a new crop of players now enter into my teaching fold. It is also time to consider the feasibility of the podcast model vs the 1-to-1 training mode. With the podcast I am able to reach a wider audience (hence not tied tn a small group weekly) but the apprehension remains in whether the local parents are keen to enrol in such self-disciplined learning. Perhaps I should only consider this for 13 year olds and above? Finding the right balance to derive the best model whereby trainers can secure a decent living is a primary concern for those wanting to switch careers after their 40s and 50s. As the pool of chess-playing children grows, we need to better manage teaching resources such that more can receive quality chess education and not have to pay too much for it. Of course, some sacrifices in schedule for the interested players would have to be made in order to cater for the podcasts to be done.  Parties interested in developing the podcast model can contact me personally to explore this further. If it's done right, the package can be marketed to schools who can't get access to a trainer.

Next, the chess scene - for the last 4 years, the role of adults coming into chess has expanded in the form of meetups and the QCD Chess League. But what about the Seniors and the tertiary students? Somehow this demographic pool has slipped through the inclusive planning of activities. Currently we see a steep attrition of chess enthusiasts once they enter the military and disappear once they ORD. I have yet to find out the main cause, but this year I intend to pursue how best to include them into the local chess scene. There would be many I believe keeping their chess-playing time online via the chess servers but surely they should also be involved ? What about local online events and monthly meetups for the online players? Only then can we complete the picture of how vibrant the chess scene is - not just the same 200+ players that show up at each SCF organised event.

Manpower for chess events would also be a challenge. To run a weekly calendar of events, from CC Chess Clubs to meetups such as Asia Square, Bishan Chess Club, Cashew amongst others requires a pool of volunteers who are enthusiastic not just to play but to contribute. I see more ex-chess player retirees and individuals having more time for themselves now that their careers and chidren can take a back seat. Surely we can harness them to join the current ranks of arbiters and organisers? Not to mention the outflow of foreign chess trainers  whose employment passes are not renewed, causing a shortage of trainers who are coaching in school Chess CCAs. What is worrisome is that the schools would conveniently cite the lack of interest in their tenders for chess coaching and close the CCA for good. Relying on the existing pool of chess organisers is not sustainable in the coming 10-15 years. Succession planning must be made now.


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