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Showing posts from July, 2021


 Another phase of my chess life is coming to an end - time to move on to other areas where energy is better spent in training myself to get better and in turn help others get better. Soon after the pending AGM this year I intend to change some life goals that were set a decade ago. The coming years shall mark the start of a new chapter - living for myself as opposed to worrying about others. The chess scene in Singapore may have been hampered by the virus, but things are looking up with vaccination numbers rising and the gradual opening ahead. There lies the emphasis in spending good time in training - gathering new thoughts, sharpening degenerating skills and motivating my students to looking forward to the future just ahead.  Hence my teaching assignments will gradually be reduced, as I shall work with the ones that deserve my time and not worry too much about making the monthly income cap. In the continuum of balancing wealth vs the time we have left on this rapidly deteriorating Ea